

  • (2025, 04, 01)
    Moving from Wako to Ibaraki: Working at JAEA, Tokai-mura.
    Joining as a postdoctoral fellow at ASRC.

  • (2025, 01, 30)
    My h-index reaches 10.

  • (2025, 01, 13)
    First time to Publish an article in Physical Review D with an Indonesian student.


  • (2024, 12, 30)
    First time to Publish an article in Physical Review D with a Thai student.

  • (2023, 9, 22-27)
    First time to visit China and join FB2023 in Beijing, China.

  • (2024, 08, 26)
    Passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): N2 (Upper intermediete level).

  • (2021, 8, 9-10)
    Sucessfully organized the workshop on quark structure of hadrons at RIKEN.


  • (2023, 6, 5-9)
    First time to visit Europe and join Hadron 2023 in Geneva, Italy.

  • (2023, 04, 01)
    Moving from Korea to Japan: Working as a postdoc in RIKEN, Saitama.
    Joining as SPDR in Few-body systems in physics lab.


  • (2022, 08, 01)
    First time to mentor students from University of Indonesia and Khon Kaen University (Thailand) for their thesis.

  • (2022, 07, 26)
    My first 100 citations on my research articles.

  • (2022, 05, 25)
    Passed the TOPIK 1 level 2. This is a Korean languange proficiency test for beginner level.


  • (2021, 07, 29)
    First time to review a paper in Physical Review D.

  • (2021, 05, 27)
    First time to host a seminar. Thanks to Dr. Denny. See seminar section for details.

  • (2021, 05, 10)
    My first paper after graduation in Physical Review D .

  • (2021, 03, 05)
    Selected as the second best presenter in Intl. Conference of APFB2020.
    The talk was presented online when I was quarrantined in Korea.

  • (2021, 03, 01)
    Moving from Japan to Korea: Working as a postdoc in APCTP, Pohang, Korea.
    Luckily, I could get a job during the Covid-19 Pandemic.


  • (2020, 10, 01)
    Working as a postdoc in RCNP, Osaka University.

  • (2020, 09, 25)
    Graduated from Osaka University (Ph.D. degree).

  • (2020, 06, 16)
    First time to publish in Physical Review D (Rapid communication).

  • (2020, 03, 01)
    Our work is introduced in JAEA Science basic note Vol.26 No.1 (Mar.2020).


  • (2019, 10, 01)
    Doing an internship in JAEA, Tokai, Japan.


  • (2018, 12, 12)
    One of our figures is selected in Kaleidoscope (Physical Review D).

  • (2018, 08, 03)
    Selected as the best presenter in Strangeness Nuclear Physics School (SNP 2018).

  • (2017, 07, 04)
    Passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): N3 (intermediate level).
    FYI: N1 (highest level) and N5(lowest level).


  • (2017, 10, 25)
    First time to organize a conference as a supervisor (ISASC, Ichokaikan, Osaka U).
    This is the scientific conference of an Indonesian student association.

  • (2017, 06, 23)
    First time to publish a paper as the first author in Physical Review D.


  • (2016, 12, 15)
    Selected as the president of Indonesian student association in Osaka & Nara.

  • (2016, 09, 21)
    My first time to join the JPS meeting in Miyazaki. A typhoon was coming on the day of my flight.


  • (2015, 11, 18)
    First time to publish a paper with Prof. Terry in Physical Review D.
    This work is partly from my undergraduate thesis.

  • (2015, 10, 01)
    Moving from Indonesia to Japan: Studying aboard in Osaka University.
    My study is supported by MEXT scholarship.

  • (2015, 09, 07)
    First time to join an international conference (HYP 2015, Tohoku, Japan).

  • (2015, 08, 25)
    Let’s say my journey starts from here.
    Graduated from Physics department, University of Indonesia.