
  1. A contact interaction model for the $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ mesons in a SDE-BSE approach to QCD: masses, decay widths and transition form factors
    Bilgai Almeida Zamora, Enrique Carreon Martínez, Jorge Segovia, J.J. Cobos-Martínez
  2. Exotic fully heavy pentaquarks in bag model
    Wen-Xuan Zhang, Hong-Tao An, Duojie Jia
  3. Molecular charmed baryons and pentaquarks from light-meson exchange saturation
    Mao-Jun Yan, Fang-Zheng Peng, Manuel Pavon Valderrama
  4. Baryon-rich QCD matter
    Jochen Wambach
  5. Building models of quarks and gluons with an arbitrary number of colors using Cartan-Polyakov loops
    Renan Câmara Pereira, Pedro Costa
  6. Conserved number fluctuations under global rotation in a hadron resonance gas model
    Gaurav Mukherjee, Dipanwita Dutta, Dipak Kumar Mishra
  7. (27th)
  8. The strong vertices of charmed mesons $D, D^∗$ and charmonia $J/\psi, \eta_c$
    Jie Lu, Guo-Liang Yu, Zhi-Gang Wang
  9. Analysis of the decay $Y(4500)\to D^∗\bar{D}^∗\pi$ with the light-cone QCD sum rules
    Zhi-Gang Wang
  10. A Modern Global Extraction of the Sivers Function
    I. P. Fernando, D. Keller
  11. Quasi Transverse Momentum Dependent Distributions at Next-to-Next-to-Leading order
    Óscar del Río, Alexey Vladimirov
  12. (26th)
  13. Low energy Eta-baryon interaction
    Marcelo G. L. Nogueira-Santos, Celso C. Barros Jr
  14. Heavy- and light-flavor symmetry partners of the $T^+_{cc}(3875)$, the $X(3872)$ and the $X(3960)$ from light-meson exchange saturation
    Fang-Zheng Peng, Mao-Jun Yan, Manuel Pavon Valderrama
  15. (25th)
  16. An Augmented QCD Phase Portrait: Mapping Quark-Hadron Deconfinement for Hot, Dense, Rotating Matter under Magnetic Field
    Gaurav Mukherjee, D. Dutta, D. K. Mishra
  17. (24th)
  18. QCD bound states in motion
    Paul Hoyer
  19. Diquark and chiral condensate in a self-consistent NJL-type model
    Wen-Li Yuan, Jingyi Chao, Ang Li
  20. Rare charm quark decays in light front approach
    Hang Liu, Chang Yang
  21. Polarised parton distribution functions and proton spin
    Peng Cheng, Yang Yu, Hui-Yu Xing, Chen Chen, Zhu-Fang Cui, Craig D. Roberts
  22. (21th)
  23. Running anomalous dimensions in holographic QCD: from the proton to the sexaquark
    Nick Evans, Matthew Ward
  24. Analysis and study of the hidden-charm pentaquark states based on magnetic moment and transition magnetic moment
    Fei Guo, Hao-Song Li
  25. (20th)
  26. Energy-momentum tensor in the scalar diquark model
    Arturo Amor-Quiroz, William Focillon, Cédric Lorcé, Simone Rodini
  27. Analytic Evolution of DGLAP Equations
    Matthew Markovych, Asli Tandogan
  28. (19th)
  29. Gluon distributions in the proton in a light-front spectator model
    Dipankar Chakrabarti, Poonam Choudhary, Bheemsehan Gurjar, Raj Kishore, Tanmay Maji, Chandan Mondal, Asmita Mukherjee
  30. Heavy quarkonium states with baryonic chemical potential
    Siddhartha Solanki, Manohar lal, Vineet Kumar Agotiya
  31. Transverse momentum dependent shape function for $J/\psi$ production in SIDIS
    Daniël Boer, Jelle Bor, Luca Maxia, Cristian Pisano, Feng Yuan
  32. Transvese momentum dependent parton distributions of pion at leading twist
    Wei Kou, Chao Shi, Xurong Chen, Wenbao Jia
  33. The decay $\tau \to 3\pi \nu_\tau$ and axial-vector meson $a_1$ in the NJL model
    Volkov M.K., Nurlan K., Pivovarov A.A
  34. Khuri-Treiman analysis of $J/\Psi \to \pi^+\pi^−\pi^0$
    JPAC Collaboration
  35. Energy loss of heavy quarks in the presence of magnetic field
    Mohammad Yousuf Jamal, Jai Prakash, Indrani Nilima, Aritra Bandyopadhyay
  36. Fully charmed resonance $X(6900)$ and its beauty counterpart
    S. S. Agaev, K. Azizi, B. Barsbay, H. Sundu
  37. (18th)
  38. Constraining the equation of state with heavy quarks in the quasi-particle model of QCD matter
    Feng-Lei Liu, Xiang-Yu Wu, Shanshan Cao, Guang-You Qin, Xin-Nian Wang
  39. Light-cone distribution amplitudes of a light baryon in large-momentum effective theory
    Zhi-Fu Deng, Chao Han, Wei Wang, Jun Zeng, Jia-Lu Zhang
  40. Anomalies, $\eta , \eta^\prime$ as keys to glueballs
    Jean-Marie Frère
  41. Chiral Lagrangians for singly heavy baryons to one loop
    Yuan-He Zou, Hao Liu, Yan-Rui Liu, Shao-Zhou Jiang
  42. Soft gluon self-energy at finite temperature and density: hard NLO corrections in general covariant gauge
    Tyler Gorda, Risto Paatelainen, Saga Säppi, Kaapo Seppänen
  43. The pion-kaon scattering amplitude and the $K^0(700)$ and $K^∗(892)$ resonances at finite temperature
    Angel Gómez Nicola, Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira, Andrea Vioque-Rodríguez
  44. (17th)
  45. Charmed hadron lifetimes
    James Gratrex, Blaženka Melić, Ivan Nišandžić
  46. QCD angular momentum in $N\to \Delta$ transitions
    June-Young Kim, Ho-Yeon Won, Jose L. Goity, Christian Weiss
  47. First characterization of the scattering length distribution of vector meson interaction with deuteron
    Xiao-Yun Wang, Chen Dong, Quanjin Wang
  48. (16th)
  49. Baryons in the light-front approach: the three-quark picture
    Zhen-Xing Zhao, Fu-Wei Zhang, Xiao-Hui Hu, Yu-Ji Shi
  50. Double-strangeness exchange reactions in a hybrid Regge-plus-resonance approach
    Sang-Ho Kim, Jung Keun Ahn, Shin Hyung Kim, Seung-il Nam, Myung-Ki Cheoun
  51. Evidence of the Schwinger mechanism from lattice QCD
    Mauricio Narciso Ferreira
  52. Research on the distribution formula of QCD strong coupling constant in medium and high energy scale region based on symbolic regression algorithm
    Xiao-Yun Wang, Chen Dong
  53. (15th)
  54. Heavy baryon spectroscopy in a quark-diquark approach
    A. Torcato, A. Arriaga, G. Eichmann, M. T. Peña
  55. Instanton induced spin-spin correlations
    M. G. Ryskin
  56. (14th)
  57. Heavy baryon spectroscopy in a quark-diquark approach
    A. Torcato, A. Arriaga, G. Eichmann, M. T. Peña
  58. Evolution of structure functions in momentum space
    Tuomas Lappi, Heikki Mäntysaari, Hannu Paukkunen, Mirja Tevio
  59. (13th)
  60. Mass spectrum of $1^{−−}$ heavy quarkonium
    Zheng Zhao, Kai Xu, Ayut Limphirat, Warintorn Sreethawong, Nattapat Tagsinsit, Attaphon Kaewsnod, Xuyang Liu, Khanchai Khosonthongkee, Sampart Cheedket, Yupeng Yan
  61. Anisotropic flow and the valence quark skeleton of hadrons
    Meijian Li, Wenyang Qian, Bin Wu, Hong Zhang
  62. (12th)
  63. Accessing the gluon GTMD $F_{1,4}$ in exclusive $\pi^0$ production in $ep$ collisions
    Shohini Bhattacharya, Duxin Zheng, Jian Zhou
  64. (11th)
  65. Transverse momentum structure of strange and charmed baryons: a light-front Hamiltonian approach
    BLFQ Collaboration
  66. Investigation of $Ω_{ccb}$ and $Ω_{cbb}$ baryons in Regge phenomenology
    Juhi Oudichhya, Keval Gandhi, Ajay kumar Rai
  67. Is $f_2(1950)$ the tensor glueball?
    Arthur Vereijken, Shahriyar Jafarzade, Milena Piotrowska, Francesco Giacosa
  68. Is the LHCb $P_c(4312)^+$ plausible in the GlueX $\gamma p\to J/\psi p$ total cross sections ?
    Igor Strakovsky, William J. Briscoe, Eugene Chudakov, Ilya Larin, Lubomir Pentchev, Axel Schmidt, Ronald L. Workman
  69. Unified description of the productions of $\bar{D}^∗D$ and $\bar{D}^∗D^∗$ molecules in $B$ decays
    Qi Wu, Ming-Zhu Liu, Li-Sheng Geng
  70. (10th)
  71. Rotation and vibration in tetraquarks
    Amir Jalili, Jorge Segovia, Feng Pan, Yan-An Luo
  72. Resolve negative cross section of quarkonium hadroproduction using soft gluon factorization
    An-Ping Chen, Yan-Qing Ma, Ce Meng
  73. (8th)
  74. On the possibility of testing the two-peak structure of the LHCb hidden-charm strange pentaquark $P_{cs}(4459)^0$ in near-threshold antikaon-induced charmonium production on protons and nuclei
  75. (7th)
  76. Constraining the quark mass dependence of the lightest resonance in QCD
    Arkaitz Rodas, Jozef J. Dudek, Robert G. Edwards
  77. Medium induced gluon spectrum in dense inhomogeneous matter
    João Barata, Xoán Mayo López, Andrey V. Sadofyev, Carlos A. Salgado
  78. Light-front puzzles
    Wayne Polyzou
  79. Chiral Lagrangians for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 doubly charmed baryons
    Hao Liu, Yuan-He Zou, Yan-Rui Liu, Shao-Zhou Jiang
  80. Prospects for GPDs extraction with Double DVCS
    K. Deja, V. Martinez-Fernandez, B. Pire, P. Sznajder, J. Wagner
  81. (6th)
  82. Possible molecular dibaryons with csssqq quarks and their baryon-antibaryon partners
    Shu-Yi Kong, Jun-Tao Zhu, Jun He
  83. How baryons appear in low-energy QCD: Domain-wall Skyrmion phase in strong magnetic fields
    Minoru Eto, Kentaro Nishimura, Muneto Nitta
  84. Femtoscopic signatures of the lightest S-wave scalar open-charm mesons
    Miguel Albaladejo, Juan Nieves, Enrique Ruiz-Arriola
  85. TMD Handbook
    Renaud Boussarie, et. al.
  86. Exploring fully heavy scalar tetraquarks $QQ\bar{Q}\bar{Q}$
    S. S. Agaev, K. Azizi, B. Barsbay, H. Sundu
  87. Light-Cone Sum Rules for S-wave $B\to K\pi$ Form Factors
    Sébastien Descotes-Genon, Alexander Khodjamirian, Javier Virto, K. Keri Vos
  88. (5th)
  89. Nuclear modification factors for identified hadrons from 5 TeV $p-Pb$ collisions and their relation to the Cronin effect
    Thomas A. Trainor
  90. (4th)
  91. Mass spectra of hidden heavy-flavor tetraquarks with two and four heavy quarks
    Ting-Qi Yan, Wen-Xuan Zhang, Duojie Jia
  92. The isospin and compositeness of the $T_{cc}(3875)$ state
    L. R. Dai, L. M. Abreu, A. Feijoo, E. Oset
  93. Spin-Dependent Interactions and Heavy-Quark Transport in the QGP
    Zhanduo Tang, Ralf Rapp
  94. 3D EMT distributions as an Abel image of 2D EMT distributions on the light-front
    Poonam Choudhary, Bheemsehan Gurjar, Dipankar Chakrabarti, Asmita Mukherjee
  95. Off-shell generalized parton distributions of the pion
    Wojciech Broniowski, Vanamali Shastry, Enrique Ruiz Arriola
  96. (3rd)
  97. $\Delta B=1$ Nucleon Radiative Decays
    Svjetlana Fajfer, Mitja Sadl
  98. (2nd)
  99. Transverse momentum and multiplicity dependence of $\Lambda^+_c/D^0$ ratio in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV
    Jun Song, Hai-hong Li, Feng-lan Shao
  100. Investigation of the strange pentaquark candidate $P^{\Lambda}_{\psi s}(4338)^0$ recently observed by LHCb
    K. Azizi, Y. Sarac, H. Sundu
  101. (1st)
  102. Excited $\Omega_c$ baryons as 2S states
    Marek Karliner, Jonathan L. Rosner
  103. Investigation of proton structure function $F^p_2$ at HERA in light of an analytical solution to Balitsky-Kovchegov equation
    Ranjan Saikia, Pragyan Phukan, Jayanta Kumar Sarma


  1. Hadron Structure using Continuum Schwinger Function Methods
    Craig D. Roberts
  2. (28st)
  3. Bayesian Computation in Astronomy: Novel methods for parallel and gradient-free inference
    Minas Karamanis
  4. (9th)
  5. Electromagnetic properties of the predicted $B_c$-like molecular states
    Fu-Lai Wang, Si-Qiang Luo, Xiang Liu
  6. (7th)
  7. The newly observed $\Omega_c(3327)$: A good candidate for a D-wave charmed baryon
    Si-Qiang Luo, Xiang Liu
  8. Spectroscopic Study of $\Omega_{cc}, \Omega_{cb}$ and $\Omega_{bb}$ Baryons
    Amee Kakadiya, Ajay Kumar Rai
  9. Molecular states in $D^{(∗)+}_s\Xi^{(\prime,∗)}_c$ systems
    Nijiati Yalikun, Xiang-Kun Dong, Bing-Song Zou
  10. The Pentaquark Spectrum from Fermi Statistics
    Luciano Maiani, Antonio D. Polosa, Veronica Riquer
  11. Towards a universal description of hadronic phase of QCD
    Aman Abhishek, Sayantan Sharma
  12. (6th)
  13. Observation of $T_{cc}$ and a quark model
    Sungsik Noh, Woosung Park
  14. Study on the weak decay between two heavy baryons $B_i(1/2^+)\to B_f(3/2^+)$ in the light-front quark model
    Fang Lu, Hong-Wei Ke, Xiao-Hai Liu, Yan-Liang Shi
  15. (5th)
  16. The Present and Future of QCD
    P. Achenbach, et. al.
  17. Convergent decay constants for beauty-charm mesons at N$^3$LO in QCD and phenomenological implications
    Wei Tao, Zhen-Jun Xiao, Ruilin Zhu
  18. (4th)
  19. Near-threshold structures in the $D^+_sD^−_s$ mass distribution of the decay $B^+\to D^+_s D^−_s K^+$
    S. S. Agaev, K. Azizi, H. Sundu
  20. (3rd)
  21. The valence quark, sea, and gluon content of the pion from the parton distribution functions and the electromagnetic form factor
    Barbara Pasquini, Simone Rodini, Simone Venturini
  22. Parton Distribution Functions for Pseudoscalar Mesons in the COnfining Effective Chiral Quark Theory
    Parada T. P. Hutauruk, Seung-il Nam
  23. (2nd)
  24. The $\Xi(1620)$ and $\Xi(1690)$ molecular states from S=−2 meson-baryon interaction up to next-to-leading order
    A. Feijoo, V. Valcarce, V.K. Magas
  25. (1st)
  26. Resolving the polarization puzzles in $D^0\to VV$
    Ye Cao, Yin Cheng, Qiang Zhao
  27. $J/\psi$ decay to $\phi,\omega, K^{*0}$ plus $f_0(1370)$, $f_0(1710)$, $K^{∗}_0(1430)$, $f_2(1270)$, $f_2(1525)$ and $K^{∗}_2(1430)$: role of the D-wave for tensor production
    Luciano M. Abreu, Lianrong Dai, Eulogio Oset
  28. QCD Running Couplings and Effective Charges
    A. Deur, S. J.Brodsky, C. D. Roberts


  1. Deeply-virtual Compton process $e N \to \gamma \pi N$ to study nucleon to resonance transitions
    Kirill M. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, Marc Vanderhaeghen


  1. A fresh look at the generalized parton distributions of light pseudoscalar mesons
    Zanbin Xing, Minghui Ding, Khépani Raya, Lei Chang
  2. (2nd)
  3. Prediction of the most strange tri-baryon with lattice QCD constrained potentials
    Tian-Wei Wu, Si-Qiang Luo, Ming-Zhu Liu, Li-Sheng Geng, Xiang Liu

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